The story of Star Wars: Legacy starts 126 years after the film Return of the Jedi. The comics feature Cade Skywalker, a descendant of Luke Skywalker, who was trained as a Jedi, but abandoned the New Jedi Order following its defeat by the One Sith. He apprenticed himself to the pirate Rav and lives among bounty hunters, smugglers and pirates such as his best friends Jariah Syn and Deliah Blue. Cade, in an attempt to avoid detection and his destiny, also dropped his last name and Jedi heritage while being reluctantly guided by Luke, now a Force ghost. The series begins with an attack on the Jedi Temple and the overthrow of the Galactic Alliance and the Fel Empire by the Sith.
Star Wars Legacy Comics 21
@Kel Profitt it took a needlessly long time and if you are wondering why the second Dalek war of the 26th Century occurs after the Great wars between 4000 and 5000 and the civil wars it led to it is because I started with tDMp and work out in both directions and the second Dalek war could only have occurred after some time travel this is supported by the placement of Terror Ferima and Nemesis of the Daleks both of which occur after the Daleks Civil War (the second one) yet nemesis which starts Davros after forgetting he is Davros is set in the 26th Century and see abslom Daak in his original time zone and so some time travel must have occurred. 2ff7e9595c